New NSE8 Exam - NSE8_812

 Just a quick post today.

 Without any obvious fanfare Fortinet have released a new NSE8 exam - the NSE8_812.

You can still take the NSE8_811 up until March 31st which is about 2 1/2 months from now. The handbook at the time of writing still hasn't been updated so at this point I don't know what has changed.

Once the handbook is updated and the new blueprint is available, Ill update my NSE8 Topics page and write a post outlining the differences and my thoughts on that.

For now my plan is to sit the NSE8_811 ASAP so that I can get a look at the exam and a feel for where I am at with it. Hopefully my prep up till now is enough that I pass, but if it isn't I'm then leaving myself enough time to have another crack at it before March 31st.


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